(Plz Don't Die) 내가널쏘기전까지
(Plz Don't Die) 內嘎 no 手gi 冏卡寄
(Plz Don't Die) 나도복수는해야지
(Plz Don't Die) 那豆波樹嫩黑呀寄
(Plz Don't Die) You know ma
(Plz Don't Die) This goes out to suckers and the haters and the wankers
You can't fuck with me I'm with ma man Warren G
그리고이젠나의힘으로 workin' with Krizz Kaliko
更力勾一jae 那耶 him悶漏 workin' with Krizz Kaliko
이건겨우역전의서막일뿐너넨본방사수해드라마제목은나의 ego
一共 gyo屋有冏內手罵gi 笨 no內崩巴殺樹黑瞪辣罵 jae莫更那耶 ego
內嘎 tun gi 冏卡寄求dae 顧漏 ju寄罵辣
You aint listener 차라리 speaker가더맞지
You aint listener 恰力力 speaker嘎豆罵寄
Yeah we the same prisoners fate God has given us
날욕하는놈들이태반 but 난아직엄마뱃속, 걔네가나의태반
那有嘎嫩 no瞪力 tae棒 but 南阿寄歐罵貝手, 給逆嘎那耶 tae棒
고맙다모든 hating
勾罵他莫瞪 hating
걸먹고자라때깔쩔어진내믹스테잎나오면매겨봐라 rating
勾莫勾家辣 dae卡求漏進內米絲tae一那歐謬妹gyo bwa辣 rating
I don't care that shit go twitter go share that shit
니좁은시야, 편견, 자존심 I'll tear that shit
逆求笨西呀, pyo gyo, 家冏信 I'll tear that shit
勾屋 bwa no 他他和寄
(Plz Don't Die) 내가널쏘기전까지
(Plz Don't Die) 內嘎 no 手gi 冏卡寄
(Plz Don't Die) 나도복수는해야지
(Plz Don't Die) 那豆波樹嫩黑呀寄
(Plz Don't Die) You know ma
(Plz Don't Die) This goes out to suckers and the haters and the wankers
All the haters do you wanna ride wit me
이제라도 you can ride wit me
一jae辣豆 you can ride wit me
키보드워리어s do you wanna ride wit me
ki波瞪我力歐s do you wanna ride wit me
이제라도 you can ride wit me
一jae辣豆 you can ride wit me
Rap suckers do you wanna ride wit me
이제라도 you can ride wit me
一jae辣豆 you can ride wit me
All the listeners do you wanna ride wit me
지금부터 let's ride wit me.
寄更不透 let's ride wit me
那棒罵他扣直漏 byo內歐漏西他歐辣
不累嫩更令家嘎歐趟殺西愣那嫩 no目家阿gi耶
불꽃도꽃이란다. 넌나의꽃말을아니
不扣豆扣氣浪他 no 那耶扣滿愣阿逆
阿逆 no 那耶 hya gi求氣罵他波寄莫他寄
內家冏信米信殺有巴他更 gi歐豆
南 ju勾豆顧勾蘭求歐手逆印求一那更呀怕剛強殺他we
求dae dwe寄寄罵內手勾耶直印逆 dwe歐手
逆嘎那莫辣崩勾 ju更 dae卡寄扣求怕力給黑求
阿寄內給米瞪悶 ju嫩一瞪力那 dae我求
You know I go, yeah I make the storm
內皮六求gin we漏屋米必求內皮求目
그게나의삶. 'RM' 바로내믹스테잎
更給那耶殺. 'RM' 巴漏內米絲tae一
듣고나면너넨 all gon' miss me
瞪勾那謬 no內 all gon' miss me
(Plz Don't Die) 내가널쏘기전까지
(Plz Don't Die) 內嘎 no 手gi 冏卡寄
(Plz Don't Die) 나도복수는해야지
(Plz Don't Die) 那豆波樹嫩黑呀寄
(Plz Don't Die) You know ma
(Plz Don't Die) This goes out to suckers and the haters and the wankers
All the haters do you wanna ride wit me
이제라도 you can ride wit me
一jae辣豆 you can ride wit me
키보드워리어s do you wanna ride wit me
ki波瞪我力歐s do you wanna ride wit me
이제라도 you can ride wit me
一jae辣豆 you can ride wit me
Rap suckers do you wanna ride wit me
이제라도 you can ride wit me
一jae辣豆 you can ride wit me
All the listeners do you wanna ride wit me
지금부터 let's ride wit me.
寄更不透 let's ride wit me
All the playa haters..
지금부터 let's ride wit me
寄更不透 let's ride wit me
All the keyboard warriors..
지금부터 let's ride wit me
寄更不透 let's ride wit me
All the rap suckers..
지금부터 let's ride wit me
寄更不透 let's ride wit me
P.D.D. man..
지금부터 let's ride wit me
寄更不透 let's ride wit me